Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Love and Respect....

Most of us change the oil in our automobiles every 3-6,000 miles.  We mow the lawn each week and make sure to pick up around the house.  The dishes may sit in the sink a day, but we don't like it and we get them into the washer right away.  We go to work, attend training sessions, and try to perform as well as we can.  Some of us even go back to school, working to expand our career opportunities and provide a better life for our families.  We hope and pray our kids get into the best schools and send them to camps and retreats to strengthen their moral and intellectual character.  We sign them up for dance or soccer or football or baseball, run them to every practice, game and tournament.   We do all these things because we believe they are important.  But how much time, effort or education do we put into the most important relationship we have on this earth, our marriages?  Is it about 3/4's as much?  Or maybe 1/2?  Or is it more like 1/5 or 1/10?  Do you cringe when you hear marriage workshop or marriage counseling?  Why is that?  Why in the world are we willing to put more time and effort into every other inferior relationship we have in this life?  Take a look at this website (, we'll talk about it Sunday.

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