Thursday, July 06, 2006


It's really the question we've all been wanting to know... What Would Jesus Ride? Seriously, do you have any idea? I have a friend in Idaho (at least I think that's where he is) who would swear to you that, given the chance, Christ would love to roll up on a Harley, fully dressed, the next time He's in town. Now I love the thought of that Karl, but I'm going to have to go another way, sorry brother.
No, I think Christ is more of a bicycle kinda guy. Motorcycles are cool and all, but they're really impersonal. I think Christ wants to slow it down, cruise if you will. He appreciates the simple beauty of a bicycle. The lines, the craftsmanship, the wonderful efficiency of movement, and the low impact on mother earth are all things that I think Christ would dig about a bike. I'm pretty sure he's not the spandex type, no offense to our brothers on the Tour. But again, that's a high-speed, all-for-the-glory sort of event, and that's just not our Lord. Truth be told I think He might be riding a "townie," a city-bike with plenty of gears, light weight, and inconspicuous. Sort of the politically correct mode of transport. But, given the choice, if He could really just let His hair down and have it His way, I think He'd slip on his "slappies," his favorite concert-T, a well worn pair of old jeans, and cruise on down on something like this sick bike pictured. That's the kind of ride that Jesus would have. A bike that says, "hey, this is me, and I'm having fun today." Something that He could glide up to people on and just sort of "hang out." Yes, when I get to those pearly gates, I really look forward to seeing the Lord ambling up the street towards me, maybe dragging His feet to stop the cruiser, or better yet maybe catching a little speed and then hitting the coaster brake and gettin' a little skid as he swings around to welcome me Home. That's my Lord, and He rides a sweet streamride cruiser. Right on!...... or better yet, Ride On!