Friday, August 06, 2010

What do you REALLY want???

"Do you like God?  That may sound like a strange question, and I don't mean to be glib about God.  But if I do not like being with God, I simply will not be with him much...The point of this is not to make you feel guilty that you should want God more.  'Should' simply does not have the power to get you there." - John Ortberg

So what do you think?  Do you like God?  Does the thought of being with God create a sense of love and joy and excitement in your heart, or is it more of an obligatory, luke-warm, have-to-go-to-church kind of feeling?  I think I've definitely been on both sides of this fence.  Growing up as a kid, going to YFE (Yosemite Family Encampment) was the absolute, unparalleled joy of my summer.  I looked forward to it, longed for it, and was completely bummed when it was over... and then started anticipating the next summer again.  I loved the devo's, the fellowship, even the church services (and I was a kid). I loved everything about it.  Just like church camp, this was my utter joy, the closest I would feel to God all year.  The desire for this kind of event was a God-inspired desire, it was something that God put in me and the satisfaction of that desire through these events was an absolute blessing.