Wednesday, January 05, 2011

A New Year, A New Way of Thinking...

Well it has been some time since I lasted posted to this site, and I apologize for my tardiness.  We've had a full and wonderful holiday season, with friends and family all around.  As we begin a new study on Sundays, I have been forced to examine my spiritual journey, both its peaks and valleys, its triumphs and its struggles.  In the past year I've become more aware of what I bring to my journey, the lens through which I look, and the influences that have shaped my present understandings.

One question that we barely had time to touch on last week was the idea of "Right Doctrine."  It is a concept we have explored throughout 2010 and in light of our last class, I'm churning it over once again.  Is there such a thing as "Right Doctrine?"  In our faith communities, doctrine has been seen as a codification of beliefs, a summation of our position.  However, according to Merriam-Webster, doctrine is defined as, "teaching or instruction; something that is taught."  When looked at in this light, it appears to be more of a process than a result.  Although it may be semantics, I think the idea of "Right Doctrine" suggests that our goal is to find a singular understanding and practice.  While this tempting idea has found life in our tradition, I'm not sure that the Bible, as a whole, supports this idea.  It's not a matter of right v. wrong, which I believe truly exists, but a matter of "one-size-fits-all."  This is the inherent tendency in calling something "right," and scripture clearly demonstrates, from Genesis to Revelation, that our spiritual journeys are not "one-size-fits-all."  Further, when God chooses to interact with His creation, it is not a "one-size-fits-all" approach.