Well, it has been a long, long time since I last posted anything to this blog. The reasons are many, time and scheduling as much as anything. However, I thought I'd take a minute and upload a lesson here from Acts 6. Many of you know that I have been doing some graduate work at the Fresno Pacific seminary. It has been a great time of learning, perhaps as significant as any I've had. So, with that in mind, I'm sharing the last study that I have completed. Please note that this is a formal study, more for the "instructor" than for the "student." We use the acronym FORRMAL to describe the process of attempting to do both "exegesis" (original intent, meaning, understanding at the time of the writing) and "hermeneutics"(what does it mean to us today. So the FORRMAL is the process for doing this work. This study is my own, but I use resources of those much smarter than me. So, if you don't like it, that's my fault. If you think I sound pretty smart, well, that's most likely because I'm using smart resources. The study is on the pericope (passage) of Acts 6:1-7. If you want the first 6-7 sections are exegesis, the last section, "Living the vision," is the hermeneutical part. I hope you enjoy it, sorry for all the jargon.
Acts "FORRMAL" study