Thursday, September 01, 2011

Did we forget to graduate? Are we that guy/gal?

Remember that guy in high school that everyone thought was really cool.  He had an awesome car, won Valley in some sport, and was the guy all the guys wanted to be and the girls wanted to be going with.  Remember when that guy graduated, but then decided to hang around after school in the high school parking lot for YEARS!  He went from being that "awesome guy" to being that creepy guy.  It was sad. 
I had lunch with a couple of friends this week and one of them said that he felt like a lot of people never graduate from church.  When they should be moving on to start something new, they just hang around and poison the water for the freshman.  I started to wonder if that wasn't me. Did I forget to graduate?  Did I forget that the church was supposed to go into the world?  Had I become the 5th or 6th year senior, afraid of moving on to start something new?  Is there a large group of us hanging around our old stomping grounds, forgetting that the world is waiting for us to bring Christ to them?  Did I forget to graduate?  Did you?