Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Being God's Child; Event or Process?

Tonight we're starting Chapter 7 in "The Jesus Proposal."  For those of you who might be confused, that's page 123.  It's an interesting look at the means and methods that we often use for determining who's "in and out" in terms of God's people.  Moreover, it's an attempt to look more at the Christianity as a process rather than an event.  One of my favorite excerpts is not from either of the two authors, but from a quote of Alexander Campbell:

       "It is the image of Christ the Christian looks for and loves; and this does not consist in being exact in a few items, but in general devotion to the whole truth as far as known."  Mr. Campbell goes on to expand on the "as far as known" idea by saying, "Ignorance is always a crime when it is voluntary; and innocent when it is involuntary."

The author goes on to quote a youth minister, Tony Jones, saying, " could be said that we ought to first evangelize experientially and teach the content of the faith later!"

Essentially the Mr. Jones is suggesting that we should demonstrate the lifestyle before we discuss the matters of deeper faith.  Or is he?  What do you think about that idea?  Is there a biblical basis for it?  Does it make sense logically?  Let's talk about it.