Monday, June 06, 2011

Does it really matter?

Well, I couldn't drag out many comments on my last couple of blog posts about the "spiritual life" and how we cultivate or grow it, so let's table that for now.  I think it is a very important conversation, fundamentally important in fact, but it has to be a conversation and so I'll wait until I can facilitate one.
But that brings me to today's thoughts, "what really matters?"
I had a wonderful opportunity to visit a church this weekend that was totally new to our family.  The demographics of the congregation were very similar to VCCOC, with the exception of a stronger 20's something presence.  The facilities were nice, the people friendly, and the worship was enjoyed by all.  The preacher was young-ish and brought a heartfelt message which he communicated with an adequate amount of feeling and polish. In our discussions afterward, our group focused on some things we liked and some things we weren't as excited about, but in all we felt good about the experience and would likely go back given the chance.  None of us had been there before, so it was a sort of "blind date" with a church.  If any of you have done this before, you know the results can be disastrous.  In our case however, the selection was well made.  One of the best things about this opportunity is that it gave me a chance to reflect on what really matters to me about a church.
So I'm asking you, what really matters?  Is it the style of music in worship (this church had both instrumental and a capella)?  Is taking the Lord's supper weekly a must have?  What about baptism?  Do we need to mention that?  Should we examine the list of 10 (it's almost always 10) core beliefs and see if we can live with them?  Is there a necessary bible version that should be endorsed?  Women's roles?  Men's roles?  Doctrinal compatibility?  What really matters?

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