Monday, May 16, 2011

The question of the day....

What does the phrase "spiritual life" mean to you?  Thoughts?


  1. Whatever the spiritual life is, I don't believe it is something separate from "ordinary," "everyday" life. The spiritual life is not something you do in addition to your "normal" life but something that permeates all of life.

    With that said, I'd suggest that the Spiritual Life is our journey into Christlikeness, in which all of our life is formed (and reformed) into Christ's image (Romans 8:29, Galatians 4:19).

  2. It is my connection to God. Fully activated by Jesus, Spirit indwelling, relational activity facilitated through my faith.

  3. Spiritual life…
    The way I live life, in the spirit, that screams Jesus’ Love. It’s not separate from “everyday” living but envelopes all that I am- everyday with everyone I meet. Trying to “be Jesus”…

  4. I love these thoughts... keep them coming... I know there are more of you out there, what do you think?

  5. In general terms, it is the time I spend attending to myself and my relationships with others, including (and most commonly) my relationship with God.

  6. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Would like it to be my daily walk in life (He walks with me and talks with me). But sometimes Satan wants to mess it up, so I guess I would same it still is my daily walk in life with everything it brings.

