Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Good without God...????

So the books out there, and the website is out there and now I'm going to put the question out there good without God?  More appropriately, do we need God for morality or can people just decide to be good without God's involvement?  Check out this website and see what others had to say.  Now let me know what you think?

...p.s.  I will be gone this Sunday, but Mark Pratt will be taking over for me.  We're going to have a time of fellowship and Mark will share a few comments that I've asked him to make.  It's an important class, so be there or be... well, square, like me!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:50 AM

    I guess I have to go first... yes, I think you can have good without God. Atheists around the world do good things like saying thank you and loving someone without a belief in God. So yes, there is good without God.
