Monday, November 30, 2009

The Crux...

This week we started a new class on Sunday morning and it's one I'm really excited about.  For those of you who weren't there, we're reading "The Crux Of The Matter," by  Childers, Foster and Reese.  It's an excellent book put out by ACU press.  The books are just $11 and can be purchased in the office.

Yesterday's lesson was an introduction to the material.  We focused on gaining an understanding of postmodernism and modernism.  In the broadest sense, postmodernism in theology is a mindset that rejects the absolute, puts greater emphasis on relationships and spirituality, and is more likely to "judge" a person's faith by their actions than their words.  Modernism puts a greater emphasis on "the truth," approaching theology in a more scientific way, with a desire to discern absolute understanding and less concern for emotional spirituality.  [These are MAJOR generalities and as I write them I already see their weaknesses.  See pages 26-37]  Although often associated with age, these mindsets can be found in people of all ages, and they are not just a construct of faith, but a world view.

After a brief discussion of the terms, we turned to a fictional scenario provided by the authors and had discussions in smaller groups.  The fictional church was facing problems relating to a clash of these mindsets in their preferences for sermon style and outreach.  We looked at some of the challenges facing congregations today as we wrestle with these ideas and world views, and also looked for ways in which our diversity can be our strength.  Many groups discussed the need to put Christ before our own preferences, to work with each other in love and humility, and to strive for unity.  It was a great kick off to what is likely to be one of the better classes we've had.

I encourage you all to get your books and make sure you show up for class next week.  There are reading schedules that you can also get in the office.  Even if you can't make class, be sure to grab a book and read along.

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