Tuesday, May 10, 2011

What if....

An interesting question was presented at more than one class I attended last week.  It's a question that has popped up in different forms from different sources over the past few months.  I'm going to ask my "version" of it here:

                "What if there was no afterlife?"

More broadly, what if we could determine definitively that there is no heaven and no hell when this life is over.  What if we went back to scripture and we were able to determine, with absolutely certainty, that there was no afterlife and Christ was never referring to one.  What would the implications be for you?


  1. Anonymous7:54 AM

    I think the world would be in morw chaos than it is today, I'm trying to remeber the old movie that some what portrayed this issue. Mad Max or something along that line. If there aren't any consequences, it would be do what you want for your own gratification. Nazi Germany maybe.


  2. I think this is usually our first reaction, without punishment everything goes to, well, hell. So then the next question would be, is it the threat of consequences that brings people to Christ? Is it our fear of Hell and damnation that keeps us on the straight and narrow? Should it be? Thoughts anyone?

  3. Anonymous10:29 AM

    I think the world would be in morw chaos than it is today, I'm trying to remeber the old movie that some what portrayed this issue. Mad Max or something along that line. If there aren't any consequences, it would be do what you want for your own gratification. Nazi Germany maybe.


  4. I think this is usually our first reaction, without punishment everything goes to, well, hell. So then the next question would be, is it the threat of consequences that brings people to Christ? Is it our fear of Hell and damnation that keeps us on the straight and narrow? Should it be? Thoughts anyone?

  5. I think that Christianity for the purpose of reward or punishment (of others) is selfish Cristianity. 2 Peter 1:3-8 sums it up for me. We are called to live like Christ for the here and now. If there is no heaven or hell, then the principles of how we live now still apply.

  6. Mark, I feel that same way, and yet I wonder sometimes, does my life really resemble one that is full of his "divine power...glory and goodness?" Or am I living something less than that. I crave a life that is transformed by Christ, and yet I struggle and wrestle with the how of it... Thanks for your thoughts.

  7. Jessica8:00 AM

    Interesting question. I remember in my church they would have Revelation Seminars. They would go through all the terrible events that were to come right before the 2nd coming. That would go on for quite awhile. Then at the very end they would say Jesus saves. It always bothered me because the seminars were never comforting or happy. I know I was not along in that feeling. A cousin once asked my mom if she was felt safe living on a island since they are supposee to be we washed away during the end of time. Intersting comment from a baptised believer.
    I don't want to just "check the box" in my Christian life either. Interesting question to ponder.

  8. I think we are getting at the importance of this question. It's not to propose that there is no afterlife, but to ask, "is there anything in this life" for the followers of Christ? To exalt the afterlife is really no different than what the Buddhists, attaining enlightenment. How do we live fully in Christ today, bringing salvation today? Great comments everyone!
